PS 158
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Principal Dina Ercolano

Our Mission Statement
PS158 believes in equity, inclusion and developing lifelong learners.
PS158 welcomes all who enter our safe, joyful and dedicated learning community. We believe in the individual and limitless potential of each of our community members and we work to support their understanding of themselves and others. At PS158 it is our mission to affirm people’s multiple identities, including their racial and cultural identities and stories.
Read our complete Mission Statement

Follow us on Instagram @ps158thebayardtaylor
Supply Lists by Grade
Grade specific lists are for each grade, for ONE student in the grade. Please do not label any items. Please have these supplies available and stored at home, please do not send any supplies directly to the school.
Links to 2024-25 lists
For large events such as Family Mornings, class parties etc. please have ready our yellow 2023-24 PS158 School ID card for each adult. If an adult does not have a PS158 School ID card, they can only enter our school building with a Government-issued photo ID. It is one ID card per adult.